Architecture: x86_64
Operating System: CENTOS 7.7-1908
Cluster scheduler: SLURM 18.08.02
Parallel libraries: OpenMPI 4.0.1 and PMIx 3.0.2

Packages installed
Package Version Description Install
Abaqus 6.1.4 Engineering simulation software module load software/abaqus-6.14
Angsd 0.94 NGS analysis module load software/angsd-0.94
Annovar 2018-04 Functional annotation of genetic variants from high-throughput sequencing data /opt/exp_soft/annovar-2018-04
AnsysEM 2020R2 Electromagnetic /opt/exp_soft/ansys_inc/AnsysEM20.2
AnsysEM 19.3 Electromagnetic /opt/exp_soft/ansys_inc/AnsysEM19.3
AnsysEM 19.2 Electromagnetic /opt/exp_soft/ansys_inc/AnsysEM19.2
AnsysFluent 2020R2 CFD package /opt/exp_soft/ansys_inc/v202
AnsysFluent 19.3 CFD package /opt/exp_soft/ansys_inc/v193
AnsysFluent 19.2 CFD package /opt/exp_soft/ansys_inc/v192
AnsysFluent 19.1 CFD package /opt/exp_soft/ansys_inc/v191
AnsysFluent 15.7 CFD package /opt/exp_soft/ansys_inc/v150
Astral 5.6.3 Unrooted species tree estimation module load software/Astral-5.6.3
Alphafold v2.0 Inference Software /opt/exp_soft/singularity-containers/alphafold/alphafold.sif
bamtools 2.5.1 Toolkit for handling BAM files. module load software/bamtools-2.5.1
BBMap 38.96 Splice-aware global aligner for DNA and RNA sequencing reads module load software/bbmap-38.96
bcftools 1.19 Flexible generic format for storing nucleotide sequence alignment module load software/bcftools-1.19
bcftools 1.9 Flexible generic format for storing nucleotide sequence alignment module load software/bcftools-1.9
bcl2fastq 2.2.0 Demultiplexes sequencing data and converts BCL files into FASTQ files module load software/bcl2fastq2-v2.20
BEAGLE 3.2.0 Bayesian library for BEAST via BEAGLE
BEAST 1.10.5pt Phylogenetic analysis with an emphasis on time-scaled trees module load software/BEASTv1.10.5pre_thorney_0.1.1
BEAST 1.10.4 Phylogenetic analysis with an emphasis on time-scaled trees module load software/beast-1.10.4
BEAST 1.8.4 Phylogenetic analysis with an emphasis on time-scaled trees module load software/beast-1.8.4
bedtools 2.29 Genome arithmetic module load software/bedtools-2.29
bowtie2 2.4.5 Tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences module load software/bowtie2-2.4.5
bowtie2 2.4.1 Tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences module load software/bowtie2-2.4.1
bowtie 0.12.9 Short read aligner module load software/bowtie-0.12.9
BWA 0.7.17 Burrows-Wheeler Aligner is a program for aligning sequencing reads against a large reference genome module load software/bwa-0.7.17
cdo 1.9.6 Climate Data Operators module load software/cdo-1.9.6
CellRanger 7.2.0 Pipeline for analysing single cell 3' RNA-seq data module load software/cellranger-7.2.0
CellRanger 6.0.1 Pipeline for analysing single cell 3' RNA-seq data module load software/cellranger-6.0.1
CellRanger 3.1.0 Pipeline for analysing single cell 3' RNA-seq data module load software/cellranger-3.1.0
CellRanger-atac 2.0.0 Pipelines for processing Chromium Single Cell ATAC data module load software/cellranger-atac-2.0.0
cmake 3.12.4 software packaging and building tools module load tools/cmake-3.12.4
Canu 2.2 Designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing (such as the PacBio RSII or Oxford Nanopore MinION module load software/canu-2.2
Dask 8.1 Advanced parallelism for analytics in Python 3.9.5 module load python/miniconda3-dask
diamond 2.0.1 Sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA searches module load software/diamond-2.0.1
diamond 2.0.13 Sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA searches module load software/diamond-2.0.13
dorado 0.3.4 Basecaller for Oxford Nanopore reads module load software/dorado-0.3.4
dorado 0.1.1 Basecaller for Oxford Nanopore reads module load software/dorado-0.1.1
emboss 6.6.0 Open source software tools for molecular biology module load software/emboss-6.0.0
ESyS-Particle 3.0b Particle-based numerical modelling module load software/ESyS-Particle-3.0b
ESyS-Particle 2.3.5 Particle-based numerical modelling module load software/ESyS-Particle-2.3.5
exonerate 2.2.0 Pairwise sequence comparisons module load software/exonerate-2.2.0
express 1.5.1 Streaming fragment assignment and quantification for high-throughput sequencing module load express-1.5.1
FastQC 0.11.9 Quality control application for high throughput sequence data module load software/FastQC-0.11.9
FastQC 0.11.8 Quality control application for high throughput sequence data module load software/FastQC-0.11.8
fftw 3.3.8 Fast Fourier Transform library module load tools/fftw-3.3.8
fiji 1.53c Image processing package module load software/
FreeBayes 1.3.6 Bayesian haplotype-based genetic polymorphism discovery and genotyping module load software/freebayes-1.3.6
FreeBayes 1.2.0 Bayesian haplotype-based genetic polymorphism discovery and genotyping module load software/freebayes-1.2.0
FreeSurfer 7.2.0 Structural and Functional Neuroimaging data module load software/freesurfer-7.2.0
FreeSurfer 6.0.1 Structural and Functional Neuroimaging data module load software/freesurfer-6.0.1
FreeSurfer 5.3.0 Structural and Functional Neuroimaging data module load software/freesurfer-5.3.0
Gaussian 16-C.01 General purpose computational chemistry software module load software/gaussian-16-C.01
Gaussian 9.0 General purpose computational chemistry software module load software/gaussian-09
gatk The Genome Analysis Toolkit module load software/gatk-
gcc 11.2 Gnu compiler - C and Fortran module load compilers/gcc11.2
gcc 10.3 Gnu compiler - C and Fortran module load compilers/gcc10.3
gcc 8.2.0 Gnu compiler - C and Fortran module load compilers/gcc820
geos 13.10.2 Geospatial software module load software/geos-3.10.2
gffread 0.12.7 Format conversions filtering FASTA sequence extraction and more module load software/gffread-0.12.7
giggle 0.6.3 Genomics search engine module load software/giggle-0.6.3
Git 2.32 Git version control module load software/git-2.32
gnuParallel 20190722 Shell tool for executing jobs in parallel - CONTACT HPC ADMINS BEFORE USING!!! module load software/gnu-parallel-20190722
Go 1.16.2 Open source programming language module load compilers/go-1.16.2
Gromacs 2019.1 Molecular dynamics module load software/Gromacs-2019.1
Guppy 6.5.7 ONT Basecaller - GPU module load software/ont-guppy-6.5.7
Guppy 6.5.7 ONT Basecaller - CPU module load software/ont-guppy-cpu-6.5.7
Guppy 3.2.4 ONT Basecaller - GPU module load software/ont-guppy
Guppy 3.2.4 ONT Basecaller - CPU module load software/ont-guppy-cpu
hisat2 2.2.1 Graph-based alignment of next generation sequencing reads module load software/hisat2-2.2.1
htslib 1.19.1 Tool for accessing common file formats for high-throughput sequencing data module load tools/htslib-1.19.1
htslib NA Tool for accessing common file formats for high-throughput sequencing data module load tools/htslib
hmmer 3.3.2 Biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models module load software/hmmer-3.3.2
hmmer 3.3.1 Biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models module load software/hmmer-3.3.1
HyPhy 2.5.0 Hypothesis testing using Phylogenies module load software/HyPhy-2.5.0
HyPhy 2.3.14 Beta Hypothesis testing using Phylogenies module load software/HyPhy-2.3.14B
HyPhy 2.3.12 Hypothesis testing using Phylogenies module load software/HyPhy-2.3.12
HyPhy 2.3.5 Hypothesis testing using Phylogenies module load software/HyPhy-2.3.5
ilastik 1.3.3 Interactive learning and segmentation toolkit module load software/ilastik-1.3.3
iqtree 2.1.3 Stochastic algorithm to infer phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood COVID-19 release module load software/iqtree-2.1.3
iqtree 2.0.4 Stochastic algorithm to infer phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood module load software/iqtree-2.0.4
iqtree 1.6.11 Stochastic algorithm to infer phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood module load software/iqtree-1.6.11
jags 4.3.0 Bayesian hierarchical model analysis module load software/jags-4.3.0
Java 17 Java language development kit module load java/jdk-17
Java 11 Java language development kit module load java/jdk-11
Java 8 Java language development kit module load java/jdk-8
Julia 1.9.4 Julia compiler module load compilers/julia-1.9.4
Julia 1.5.2 Julia compiler module load compilers/julia-1.5.2
Julia 1.1.1 Julia compiler module load compilers/julia-1.1.1
kallisto 0.44 Quantifying abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data module load software/kallisto-0.44
kSNP 3.1 Identifies the pan-genome SNPs in a set of genome sequences module load software/kSNP3.1
ls-dyna v222 Finite element simulation module load software/ls-dyna-ansys
ls-dyna 10.1.0 Finite element simulation module load software/ls-dyna-10.1.0
ls-dyna 8.1.0 Finite element simulation module load software/ls-dyna-8.1.0
mafft 7.427 Multiple sequence alignment program for unix-like operating systems module load software/mafft-7.427
Mathematica 12.3 Technical computing module load software/mathematica-12.3
Matlab R2022b Matlab base package module load software/matlab-R2022b
Matlab R2021b Matlab base package module load software/matlab-R2021b
Matlab R2020b Matlab base package module load software/matlab-R2020b
Matlab R2019b Matlab base package module load software/matlab-R2019b
MaxQuant Quantitative proteomics software package module load software/MaxQuant- (run with dotnet)
MaxQuant 1.6.14 Quantitative proteomics software package module load software/MaxQuant-1.6.14 (run with dotnet)
medusa 1.6 A draft genome scaffolder module load medusa-1.6
metal 2011-03-25 Meta-analysis of large whole genome datasets module load software/metal-2011-03-25
miniconda 3.10 Miniconda version of python 3.10.11 module load python/miniconda3-py310
miniconda 4.11.0 Miniconda version of python 3.9.5 with user libraries module load python/miniconda3-py3.9-usr
miniconda 4.9.2 Miniconda version of python 3.9.5 module load python/miniconda3-py3.9
miniconda 4.9.2 Miniconda version of python 3.9.5 module load python/miniconda3-py3.9
miniconda 3.7 Miniconda version of python 2.6 module load python/miniconda3
Mono 6.8.0 Cross platform application development all worker nodes
Monolix 2019R1 Mixed effects modeling for pharmacometrics Pharmacology group only
Mothur 14.5.3 Software to analyze community sequence data module load software/mothur-14.5.3
MotifBinner2 2.0 MotifBinner processes high-throughput sequencing data of an RNA virus population Singularity Container
mpich 3.3 Message Passing Interface for parallel software module load mpi/mpich-3.3
msdial 4.70 Untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics software/msdial-4.70
MUMmer 3.23 Rapid alignment of entire genomes module load mummer-3.2.3
NAMD 2.14 Molecular dynamics simulation package module load software/NAMD-2.14-CUDA
NAMD 2.13 Molecular dynamics simulation package module load software/NAMD-2.13-CUDA
NAMD 2.12 Molecular dynamics simulation package module load software/NAMD-2.12-CUDA
NAMD 2.11 Molecular dynamics simulation package module load software/NAMD-2.11-CUDA
ncbi-blast 2.9.0 Basic Local Alignment Search Tool module load software/ncbi-blast-2.9.0
ncview 2.1.7 Visual browser for netcdf files module load software/ncview-2.1.7
ncview 2.1.2 Visual browser for netcdf files all worker nodes
NetCDF-c 4.6.3 Network Common Data Form module load software/netcdf-c-4.6.3
NetCDF-fortran 4.6.3 Network Common Data Form module load software/netcdf-fortran-4.4.5
Nextflow 23.04.3 Data-driven computational pipeline module load software/nextflow-23.04.3
Nextflow 21.10.6 Data-driven computational pipeline module load software/nextflow-21.10.6
Nextflow 21.04.3 Data-driven computational pipeline module load software/nextflow-21.04.3
Nextflow 20.04 Data-driven computational pipeline module load software/nextflow-20.04
Nextflow 19.04 Data-driven computational pipeline module load software/nextflow-19.04
Octave 4.4.1 High-level interpreted language for numerical computations module load software/octave-4.4.1
OpenMPI 4.1.0 Message Passing Interface for parallel software with gcc11.2 module load mpi/openmpi-4.1.0
OpenMPI 4.1.0 Message Passing Interface for parallel software. For use on sadacc partitions only! module load mpi/openmpi-4.0.1-sadacc
OpenMPI 4.0.1 Message Passing Interface for parallel software module load mpi/openmpi-4.0.1
OpenMPI 3.1.2 Message Passing Interface for parallel software module load mpi/openmpi-3.1.2
OpenMPI 1.10.7 Message Passing Interface for parallel software module load mpi/openmpi-1.10.7
OpenMPI 1.8.3 Message Passing Interface for parallel software module load mpi/openmpi-1.8.3
paml 4.9h Phylogenetic analyses of DNA or protein sequences module load software/paml-4.9h
paraview 5.10.1 Data analysis and visualization application module load software/Paraview-5.10.1
perl 5.28.0 Perl scripting language module load compilers/perl-5.28
perl 5.16.3 Perl scripting language all worker nodes
perl 5.10.1 Perl scripting language module load compilers/perl-5.10
picard 2.20.1 Java-based command-line utilities that manipulate SAM files /opt/exp_soft/picard-2.20.1
PICRUSt2 2.5.0 Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved STates module load python/miniconda3-py39-picrust2
plink 2.00 alpha Whole genome association analysis toolset module load software/plink-2.00a
plink 1.90 beta Whole genome association analysis toolset module load software/plink-1.90b
plink 1.07 Whole genome association analysis toolset module load software/plink-1.07
prodigal 2.6.3 Protein-coding gene prediction for prokaryotic genomes module load software/prodigal-2.6.3
Python 2.7.14 Anaconda version of python module load python/anaconda-python-2.7
Python 3.7.1 Anaconda version of python module load python/anaconda-python-3.7
Quantum Espresso 7.0.0 Electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale module load software/qe-7.0.0
Quantum Espresso 6.4.1 Electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale module load software/qe-6.4.1
QIIME 2 2020.8 Microbiome analysis package module load python/miniconda3-qiime2
R 4.2.0 Statistical computing and graphics with many bioconductor packages etc module load software/R-4.2.0-HL
R 4.2.0 Statistical computing and graphics module load software/R-4.2.0
R 4.1.1 Statistical computing and graphics module load software/R-4.1.1
R 4.0.5 Statistical computing and graphics module load software/R-4.0.5
R 4.0.1 Statistical computing and graphics module load software/R-4.0.1
R 3.6.0 Statistical computing and graphics module load software/R-3.6.0
R 3.5.3 Statistical computing and graphics module load software/R-3.5.3
R 3.5.2 Statistical computing and graphics module load software/R-3.5.2
R 3.5.1 Statistical computing and graphics module load software/R-3.5.1
RAxML 8.2 Maximum Likelihood based inference of large phylogenetic trees module load software/RAxML-8.2
RSEM 1.3.3 Accurate quantification of gene and isoform expression from RNA-Seq data module load software/RSEM-1.3.3
salmon 1.6.0 Transcript quantification from RNA-seq data module load software/salmon-1.6.0
salmon 1.2.1 Transcript quantification from RNA-seq data module load software/salmon-1.2.1
salmon 1.2.0 Transcript quantification from RNA-seq data module load software/salmon-1.2.0
samtools 1.14 Flexible generic format for storing nucleotide sequence alignment module load software/samtools-1.14
samtools 1.9 Flexible generic format for storing nucleotide sequence alignment module load software/samtools-1.9
Scala 2.12.8 Multi-paradigm programming language module load compile/scala-lang
Singularity 3.0.1 Containerization environment all worker nodes
snap 9.0 Earth Observation processing module load software/snap-9.0
snap 8.0 Earth Observation processing module load software/snap-8.0
snpEff 4.3 Fast variant effect predictor for genomic data /opt/exp_soft/snpEff-4.3/
SortaDate NA Genetic analysis module load software/sorta
SPAdes 3.13.0 St. Petersburg genome assembler software/SPAdes-3.13.0
SRAtoolkit 3.0.0 A collection of tools and libraries for using data in the INSDC Sequence Read Archives module load software/sratoolkit-3.0.0
SRAtoolkit 2.9.6 A collection of tools and libraries for using data in the INSDC Sequence Read Archives module load software/sratoolkit-2.9.6
STAR 2.7.9a Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference module load software/star-2.7.9a
Stata 13 Statistics Graphics and Data Management module load software/stata-13
Sprai 0.9.1 Genome Assembly module load software/sprai-0.9.3
subread 2.0.3 Next-gen sequencing read data processing module load software/subread-2.0.3
TensorFlow 1.12 CPU version Machine learning framework module load software/TensorFlow-1x-GPU
TensorFlow 1.12 GPU version Machine learning framework module load software/TensorFlow-2x-GPU
Texlive/Latex 2020 TeX typesetting system module load software/texlive2020
TransDecoder 5.5.0 Find Coding Regions Within Transcripts module load software/TransDecoder-v5.5.0
trimAL 1.2 Automated removal of spurious sequences or poorly aligned regions from a multiple sequence alignment module load software/trimAL-1.2
TrimGalore 0.6.8 Wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply adapter and quality trimming to FastQ files module load software/TrimGalore-0.6.8
TrimGalore 0.6.6 Wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply adapter and quality trimming to FastQ files module load software/TrimGalore-0.6.6
Trimmomatic 0.39 A flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data module load software/Trimmomatic-0.39
Trinity 2.13.2 RNA-Seq de novo transcriptome assembly module load software/trinity-2.13.2
Trinity 2.10.0 RNA-Seq de novo transcriptome assembly module load software/trinity-2.10.0
Trinotate 3.2.2 Transcriptome and protein data search module load software/Trinotate-v3.2.2
Trinotate 3.2.1 Transcriptome and protein data search module load software/Trinotate-v3.2.1
varscan 2.3.9 Variant detection in massively parallel sequencing /opt/exp_soft/varscan-2.3.9
vasp 6.3. Atomic scale materials modelling module load software/vasp.6.3.0
vcflib NA C++ library and cmdline tools for parsing and manipulating VCF files module load software/vcflib
vcftools 0.1.16 Maps short reads to a reference genome module load software/vcftools-0.1.16
VMD 1.9.3 Visual Molecular Dynamics module load software/vmd-1.9.3
VMSI NA VMSI MicroCosm module load software/vmsi
Wannier90 3.1.0 Generate maximally-localized Wannier functions module load software/wannier90-3.1.0
WGS-Assembler 8.3 Whole-Genome Shotgun Assembler module load software/wgs-assembler