ICTS staff members Timothy and Andrew assisted at a two week site admin and application porting school held at the University of Johannesburg. The first week focused on lectures and hands-on practicals and covered in-depth the main topics of Grid technology as well as the gLite middleware. The second week was spent working with researchers porting software to the Grid format.
Applications addressed in this course included HLT, Grass, NAMD, WCD and AutoDock
Application porting session
Albert van Eck joins us for lunch via video conference.
Stavros, Valeria, Tim, Andrew
The course was the second to be supported in Africa by the European Community framework project EPIKH; the Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How. Once again we were privileged to have 4 members of the INFN; Andrea Cort, Emidio Giorgio, Fabricio Pistagna and Valeria Ardezonne to assist us.
The course was followed up by workshop and report back in the coucil chambers at the university of JHB. Thanks are due to Stavros Lambropolous from the University of Johannesburg for his institute's hospitality and hard work in setting up the venue.