Installed and configured a new cluster, srvslnhpc001. The head node is a HP BL20P blade with 2 dual core 3.6GHz CPUs and 8GB RAM. The 3 worker nodes are BL20P blades with 2 dual core 3.6GHz CPUs and 4GB RAM each. Currently it is being configured with a shared 500 GB of SAN disk space for software and data. While small the cluster will serve as a first step in designing a fully fledged HPC system. Tests are currently being conducted with OpenMPI and GCC. Further software to be deployed includes the GNU suite of C++ and Fortran75/90, Matlab, R, Auto07p, NAMD, BLAST and FFT. The cluster uses the latest versions of Torque and MAUI for job scheduling.
Above is a snapshot from the dashboard, node 202 undergoing severe memory stress testing.