week SAGrid Core Services added an additional computing element (CE) to
their site. This may sound like a complicated task but can be achieved
in a few easy steps. The reason you would want this setup is to
facilitate for different clusters. There are a number of other node
types which could publish to facilitate failure, for example LFC, AMGA,
SE, etc ...
1. Configure your new computing element (CE) exactly as you normal
would configure a computing element. A few variables would need to be
updated in your site-info.def file.
NB: Make a copy of the your primary computing element site-info.def file and update the required changes below.
SITE_NAME = <Site_Name_New_Name>
2. Reconfigure your Site BDII (site-info.def) to include the new computing element as part of the GRIS.
The BDII regions are not fixed values which you need to adhere to
within the grid middleware. The GRIS will identify the service upon a
successful yaim. Therefore these values can be used as a description for
yourself to identify services at your site.
Add the following to your site-info.def file.
* Execute yaim to refresh your sBDII services
* View the /opt/glite/etc/gip/site-urls.conf file to validate that the information was populated with the correct values.
Ensure that the distinguished name (DN) is syntactically correct. Probe
the /opt/glite/var/tmp/gip/log/site-urls.conf log directory to confirm
error free configuration.
3. Configuration of Top BDII
Finally, add a entry into the bdii.conf so that the second computing element appears in the information index
ZA-UCT-CERN ldap://<site_bdii_fqdn>:2170/mds-vo-name=<Site_Name>,o=grid