GlusterFS is an open source, distributed file system capable of scaling to several petabytes and handling thousands of clients. The HPC team at UCT had some time to play and implement Gluster. The idea behind Gluster is to scale the …
MPI standardization
Our cluster is a heterogenous mixture of 3 blade types and 2 operating sytems, the latter being Scientific Linux 5.4 and 5.5. Unfortunately these two versions of OS come with slightly differing versions of openmpi. In order to allow jobs…
Velvet and BioPerl
We recently ported Velvet, a short sequence assembler, to our cluster. It can be compiled with multi-threading via OMP, however there does not seem to be an elegant way to control its behaviour in a clustered environment other…
MrBayes Sumt SegFaults
We noticed that while MrBayes jobs have been running OK, the sumt process SegFaults. Not a huge crisis as this can be finished up in post-processing. However our user had already solved this issue on his desktop by applying a …
Evolution of the Cape Sedges
Jack Viljoen, a masters student in the Botany department is working on the evolution of Cape Sedges.
For reconstructing the evolutionary trees of groups like the Cypereae and Schoeneae (Fig. 1),
.... we use Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) sampling…

GPGPU Training
Interested in GPGPU? The CHPC are holding a workshop - 19 July 2011 8:30 AM - which will focus on OpenCL. Lunch is included.…
Maintenance slot scheduled for Sunday – 19 July 2011
Our monthly ICT maintenance slots allow for system administrators at ICTS to conduct configuration changes, system and security updates. Unfortunately during this maintenance slot its a complete power shutdown and therefore no ICT services will be available during 09:00 -…
Power disruptions
Power to the Rondebosch area dropped again this morning, once for 2 minutes and then a brief brownout just after 11:30. We are assured that this is not "load shedding" by Eskom, although this is of little relief to anyone…