Our older cluster, hpc.uct.ac.za is undergoing several changes. The 200 series will soon be decomissioned. The nodes are old, have insufficient core density and are inefficient power-wise compared to more modern servers. The space in the racks is required for new servers which will be added to hex. Node 200 was used as our NFS archive director as well as our monitoring and accounting tool. These tasks have moved to node 417 which will be permanently out of service, however we have added node 418 and may add a few more 400 series servers later. Take a moment to consider that the 200 series servers were purchased almost a decade ago to fulfill a very mundane IT purpose. They have served extremely well as an entry platform into HPC computation and to date have contributed almost 300,000 CPU hours to UCT research. We would like to extend our thanks to the administrators who maintained the hardware and kept the firmware on these servers up to date over the years.