This is an updated entry for the issue we encountered last year upgrading our HPC servers and Infiniband drivers. An updated installation ISO needs to be created that allows kernel support for the newly updated kernel. To create the ISO mount the initial ISO which was downloaded from Mellanox.
mount -t iso9660 -o ro MLNX_OFED_LINUX-3.4- /tmp/ib
Then create the new ISO
./ -m /tmp/ib -k 3.0.101-84-default --make-iso --skip-repo -n MLNX-current
Where the argument for -k is your kernel version which you can get from uname -r
Now unmount the original ISO, copy this new ISO to all relevant servers and run the install:
mount -t iso9660 -o ro MLNX-current.iso ib cd ib ./mlnxofedinstall cd .. umount ib