If you no longer require your HPC account please let us know. We will shortly begin disabling accounts of those researchers whose accounts have expired.
Due to continued abuse of our cluster resources we are immediately reducing the maximum wall time on UCTlong to 1000 hours and the default wall time will be set to 250 hours. Those researchers who require more than 250 hours will need to set their wall time in their jobs up to a maximum of 1000 hours using the following directive:
#PBS -l walltime=hh:mm:ss
Please note that the CPU time and number of cores per job are not being altered and that this change does not effect currently running jobs.
We have also made changes to the scheduler’s node allocation policy. The node selection criteria has been changed from FIRSTFIT to CONTIGUOUS. This is to pack jobs onto fewer nodes rather than scattering small jobs onto separate nodes which inhibits large core jobs from running. Those researchers who require their jobs to be scattered in order to achieve better disk IO will need to target individual nodes. Remember however that this is a competitive environment and it is not fully possible to stop other researcher’s jobs from running on a node and consuming bandwidth.