Please let us know if you no longer require your HPC account or if you have acknowledged usage of the cluster in any publications recently. If you still have an account on the old cluster (hex) you need to request a transfer to the new cluster. Hex is being decommissioned on Friday 28th of February.
We will be reviewing the resource allocations early this year and may be changing the core reservation limits and wall times. If you have not yet completed the HPC questionnaire please do so now as we only review these values once per year. We will also be purchasing Matlab this year. If you are interested in using this product please complete the HPC questionnaire as the last two questions relate to Matlab and its toolboxes.
The HPC cluster will be shut down completely for maintenance from 9am Monday 2nd March until Friday 6th of March. The cluster will be placed into draining mode on Saturday 29th February. We hope to have the cluster back up much earlier than the 6th.