Sharing of passwords is considered an act of gross misconduct and subject to the application of UCT sanctions.
You will need to have an active UCT staff or student account at UCT. Third Party accounts are no longer permitted on the cluster.
Before applying please read the UCT eResearch HPC Acceptable Use Policy.
We require an acknowledgement in any thesis, paper, publication or presentation that references results computed on our infrastructure. In addition, we would like to be able to reference these published works.
Please note that before ICTS can create your account your supervisor is required to approve this request. They will receive an automated email asking for their approval along with steps on how to approve the request. They must reply to this request from their UCT email account. Once approved the system will automatically forward your request to the HPC team who will action it as soon as possible.
Click to apply for HPC account
(You will need to login to UCT’s service portal)