From the SAGrid page: many of these jobs ran in South Africa (at UCT and CHPC) - glad to be part of the success .…
High Availability Core Services for the South African National Grid Infrastructure
The University of Cape Town currently maintains a set of core services for SAGrid running on the EMI and gLite middleware distributions. These set of services form the backbone of the SAGrid and enables the submission of computational jobs. When …
CHAIN demo update
From Dr Bruce Becker, SAGrid coordinator:
Dear JRU and SAGrid Ops members
Please see the mail below from Roberto regarding the recent CHAIN Interoperability test in which SAGrid participated. There is a short youtube video as well:
SAGrid sites…
EGI Technical Forum 2012: Globus Transfer
Steve Tueche who is the Co-PI for Globus presented on Globus Transfer. Globus Transfer can be described as a alternative to Dropbox in which it allows researchers to move data between their desktops / laptops to a storage nodes…
EGI Technical Forum 2012: 17 – 21 September 2012
The core services team for SAGrid as well as the HPC BigBytes team are here at the EGI Technical Forum 2012 conference in Prague, Czech Republic. This conference brings together grid experts from all over the world to discuss and…
SA participates in CERN find
CERN discovered a new sub-atomic particle consistent with the elusive Higgs Boson. Congratulations to CERN and the Grid computing community for making this discovery. More can be read here…
Bioconductor and R
We updated our version of R to 2.15.0. Additionally we installed the Bioconductor package which provides tools for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data. Bioconductor uses the R statistical programming language, and is open source and open
…The Grid in Cape Town
There are now three active SAGrid sites in Cape Town, iThemba Labs (actually closer to Stellenbosch), the CHPC and UCT-ICTS.
We're hoping that the SAAO will be added to the list shortly.

UCT Grid site back up again
Thanks to the herculean efforts of Tim over the weekend the ZA-UCT-ICTS SAgrid site is back up again. Integration with existing HPC services will be the next step. This will see the Grid cluster integrated with a test HPC cluster…
ZA-UCT-ICTS status
Our Grid cluster currently has an issue with gLite services. While our overall infrastructure is fine (SAGrid site advertising and WMS are working properly) no jobs will be able to run on UCT's Grid cluster until this is resolved. We…