The BDII on has been upgraded to gLite-BDII-3.1.22-0.slc4 We have also upgraded our site BDII on as above.…
Monitoring SAGrid with Google Earth
We have implemented a graphical monitoring tool for SAGrid. This is based on a similar tool called Real Time Monitor developed by the Imperial College in London. The tool leverages the lcg-infosites command and outputs data to a KMZ file…
EGEE User Forum in Sweden
Andrew Lewis and Timothy Carr from UCT accompanied by Dr Bruce Becker
attended the 5th and final EGEE User Forum in Uppsala, Sweden. It was a great
opportunity to meet other Grid users and project coordinators and we
EPIKH Africa 2 Grid school
ICTS staff members Timothy and Andrew assisted at a two week site admin and application porting school held at the University of Johannesburg. The first week focused on lectures and hands-on practicals and covered in-depth the main topics of Grid…
New worker node
Today we added srvslngrd013 to the cluster. This is also a HPBL460, dual quad core CPU's but with 32 GB of RAM. This brings our number of CPUs in the cluster to 16.

First science jobs running on UCT cluster
This weekend, Ake Fagereng from the UCT Geology department became
the first UCT researcher to use the UCT High Performance Cluster in
ICTS's data centre. The HPC allowed him to run several jobs at
once; with each job taking between…
How you can access services on the SAGrid
Monday Paper recently reported on the success of the SAGrid core
services team at UCT, who enabled the research activities of two very
large and renowned projects. The article may have prompted readers to
ask: How can my research project/experiment/collaboration…
South African Bioinformatics Applications
UCT hosted a round table discussion for South African Bioinformatics Applications in the grid environment. We will be investigating porting a number of bioinforatics applications to Grid format.…
HP / UNESCO – Two week Grid course at UCT
UCT hosted a 1 week site administrator course followed by a 1 week application porting course. The first week was spent demonstrating how to set up and run a basic Grid site. The course was run by Dr Bruce Becker…