SLURM allows a DefMemPerCPU and a MaxMemPerCPU to be set. If a user does not set a memory limit the default will be used. This is normally set to MaxMem/NumCores. As memory is a consumable resource (SelectTypeParameters=CR_Core_Memory) MaxMemPerCPU serves not
…SLURM job preemption
SLURM provides a preemption mechanism to deal with situations where cluster become overloaded. This can be configured in several ways:
This is the most simplistic method of queueing in which there is no preemption, jobs come in, queue and …
Where are all the HPC servers disappearing to?
Those users still making use of will have noticed that a few worker nodes have vanished. As mentioned previously we’re investigating a new scheduler, SLURM, Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management. SLURM is a very different animal to