OpenMPI is now configured on the new cluster. There was an issue with the installation, in that the package was pre-configured to expect Infiniband which we do not have (yet). However after several hours spent battling with it we found…
Installed openmpi 1.4-4 as well as the MPI development suite on the test cluter.
Configured host based authentication to obviate the ssh password authentication.
Compiled a test case program. Seeing a 50% speed improvement when splitting the workload over 3…
Investigated mixed cluster options with multiple queues for Torque.
Brief test of OMP - successful.
Started investigating MPI.
an issue with SAGrid: The WMS had lost access to the internet due to a
proxy change hence CRL downloads were…
Most high end platforms for high performance computing are equipped with multi-core CPUs. In order to fully utilize the CPUs multiple jobs must be run on each platform or the code must be changed to utilize multiple CPUs. There are…
Surprisingly, given the proliferation of C code, Fortran out-performs C in many areas. Fortran allows better numerical array manipulation, provides a rich set of highly optimized precision numeric functions making it more predictable and faster than C and also provides…
The ICTS HPC team spent a month in Catania at the Institute for Nuclear Physics, working as part of a South African scientific application porting team. Once again the trip was supported by EPIKH and was extremely successful.
After the…
Andrew Lewis and Timothy Carr attended a 3 day course at the CHPC on Sun Hybrid System for storage and job submission followed by a course on parallel computing run by Dr James Wood. The course focused on Lustre, a…
Timothy Carr and Andrew Lewis attended a 3 day parallel architecture course at the Center for High Performance Computing in Mowbray. The course covered new chip designs as well as programming methdology for OpenMP and MPI. The course was run…